** Summer is here!! The first week without school was not so hot...a little cramped for time, transition emotions running high and refocusing. BUT...NOW...FUN, FUN, FUN! I'm trying to reprogram my brain and schedule to accomodate for more time out and about (even if that's in our front yard!), less idle time, scheduled time for solo and brotherly playing, more time with friends and plenty of time on, in and around the water.
So...this week, we can check off a handful of items on our summer priority list.
Look at all that beautiful blue water!!! and all those friends!!! ....and check out Dexter's goggle hickies from today's pool visit...he he he.
** I hosted my Singer sewing party last Friday and it was a BLAST!! So much fun with a nice group of lovely ladies. The projects turned out great and it seems to be the beginning of a casual little sewing circle of goodness!
** it's one day short of a month away from my wonderful sister's wedding!!!!!!! We booked our plane tickets this week (yes, I know!) and I am so excited. In celebration of it all I slipped into my bride's maid dress and shoes last night. The dress is so pretty and it just makes me feel great.
(older photos but, I just love them!!...the pics and the peeps.)
Standing next to my big sister as she marries her prince charming who loves her family with all his heart makes me so proud of her! She's been through a lot and now she's truly happy...and I can't help but match her emotions!
** In an effort to follow through with this excitement and further work on my non-procrastination efforts (yes, I know the tickets!! and I won't tell you about the emailed tux measurements I sent last night...shhhh), I am planning my hair cut for this week to have it grown out just right by the time we go...I've actually gone to the gym and WORKED OUT...I know shocker!! Then a visit to the toes and nails joint next week maybe because seriously, these claws need more than one visit before they are on display!! AND...in a total UNLIKE ME way, I'm thinking of actually putting out the suitcases next week because you know ...with both parents in the wedding our two little boys better be dapper. There will be many family pictures of course.
** as I scroll through my Flickr photos I came across these two silly photos from the past week.....too funny....one is Em with my little 'Teddy" from my childhood riding around town....and the other....um, my passenger riding home from Goodwill!! $3 people!! $3!! I couldn't resist...wait I mean, the kids made me do it :).
** and today, when we got home from the pool our Blurb book was waiting for us on the front stoop. OH MY GOODNESS, it's wonderful. BUT....you'll have to wait. It's worth a post on it's own.
** listening to our awesome iPad app for This American Life (it's become a nightly ritual) and giggling! It's all about summer camp. Too funny, and oh the memories...and the wondering how it might be when Dex and Em get old enough to go. WAIT...I must stop thinking about them growing up! STOP!
** ok back to summer love, fun times and LITTLE boys! What shall we do tomorrow? I suspect fun in the sun, giggles and maybe even a little bit more silliness.
...ok, just one more thing....It's totally not planned to have such alliteration on all my thinking thoughts titles. How is it that each time I write these I can come up with these cooky catch words that all start with the same letter without too much thought? WEIRD....Yup, my mind is all over...but all together at exactly the same time :) I amaze myself sometimes.