We are heading toward winter weather here in Florida! For the rest of the US it would just feel like extended fall....but for us thin blooded folks, it COLD when the temp dips below 60!
It's not quite cold yet, but the temps are going down.
Hence.....the ARM cozies. Morning are chilly (um low 70's....hush Northerners) but by noon its back in the 80s. The walk to the bus, or morning trip out means layers.
My secret for warm, stylin' little boy arms......I just buy cool knee socks and cut off the feet! No need for a second shirt that is difficult to pull off...just slip off the ARM cozies, roll em up and you're back to running!
Next time you see those crazy seasonal knee socks for a buck....give them a second glance! We just scored some neon green ones with spiders and webs! Dex loves them and proudly wore his Halloween arms yesterday!